赤毛族‧甜蜜那條街‧插畫展 (Winkiss WEB AR濾鏡拍照連結)

藝術家 / U&S叔叔與妹妹(Facebook粉絲專頁聯繫)

2022/10/14(五)~11/20(日) 11:00-21:00

展覽場地 / 旅人咖啡館 (楊梅店) & (中壢店)

共同主辦 / ISFOR ART、旅⼈咖啡館

Hi, we are U&S Studio. Many years ago, we hold our first exhibition in Taoyuan, and brought up a lot of Taoyuan’s stories with our original design characters “Chimoz”.
This time, we will share our new works in Traveler Café with you. You can see Formosa blue magpie、peach blossom, and delicious cuisine of Traveler Café, and we hope to content your visual and taste through our cheerful creations.

【U&S = “Uncle and Sister” 】
同所大學畢業的學長溫國欣(叔叔)與學妹陳美君(妹妹)都熱愛繪畫與設計,喜歡天馬行空的想像各種事物,在共同的創作理念與熱情下,以「U&S 叔叔與妹妹」名稱共同進行數位繪圖創作,設計開發地方文化元素的商品,主要業務為插畫設計及圖像授權,並進行地方街區導覽結合插畫教學,推廣美學教育。兩人創造了一群光著腳並留有腳毛的精靈「赤毛族」,光著腳代表喜歡親近大自然的土地,留有腳毛代表保有與生俱來的特徵,藉此傳達(愛護世界)與(做自己)的理念。
We are Uncle & Sister (U&S). Graduated from the same university, we both love illustration and design and enjoy running wild with our imagination. Sharing the same ideals and passion towards design, together we started an illustration studio under the brand U&S, designing products with elements from local cultures. Our main services are illustration design and image licensing. We are also active in teaching illustration and promoting education in aesthetics. We created a group of barefooted elves with long foot hair called the “Chimoz-Barefoot Family”Barefoot shows a love towards nature and earth, telling people to love the earth; foot hair means preserving one’s born traits, encouraging people to be proud of their original self.




●Traveler 旅人

●Smile 微笑

●Quiet 安靜

●Nice 友善

●Happiness 幸福


因為地鐵工程到處都在挖馬路,路上都是一個洞一個洞的。長年住在地底下的赤毛族(Chimoz),是一群光著腳又留有手毛腳毛的精靈,經由這些洞跑到地面上,探索各種有趣的事物。上次赤毛族來到地面上已經是好久以前的事情了,那時到地面上時認識了台灣原住民,因為都有愛護土地的想法,而成為好朋友,連每個赤毛族的名字也是原住名朋友取的呢。赤毛族包含有冒險精神外型像青蛙的達瓜(Tokola),有愛神邱比特的弓箭且長有鹿角的八海(Makapah),嘎麥,太熱心要六隻手才忙得完所有事情的嘎麥(Kamay) ,像發條一直轉呀轉不停工作的百吉(Payci) ,每天想著植物園藝所以頭上長朵花的烏拉(Olah),每天都很早起像獅子般的髮嚕(Falo) ,有鴨子的身形並堅持一定要戴空氣罩避免吸到髒空氣的煩娜(Fana) 。赤毛族光著腳直接親近土地代表愛護世界,留有手毛腳毛保有與生俱來的特徵代表做自己,7 個赤毛族遊歷在每個充滿故事的地方,傳遞許多動人的故事。
●About “Chimoz”

The Chimoz, a group of barefooted elves with hairy hands and feet, have dwelled beneath the earth for a long time. They would come up through these holes and explore all kinds of interesting stuff. It has been a while since the last time the Chimoz visited the surface. Back then, they met the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. They shared the ideas of cherishing and protecting the Earth with each other, and become close friends. The aboriginal friends gave each member of the Chimoz a great name.  

There are seven members in the Chimoz family. The first is Tokola, who looks like a frog and loves all kinds of adventures. Makapah has antlers on her head, and holds the bow and arrow just like Cupid. Kamay is always enthusiastic in helping others; that’s why he needs six arms to manage all the tasks. Payci is working all the time, go round and round like a clockwork. Olah thinks about his garden every day, you can see a flower grows on his head. Falo is an early bird, and has a lion-like hairstyle. Fana looks like a duck, he insists on wearing a protective mask to prevent himself from breathing in polluted air.

The Chimoz walk around barefoot, because they want to get close and show their love to the earth. They also keep the hair on their hands and feet because they’re born this way, and they are proud of it. The seven Chimoz travel to places full of stories, and spread  touching tales to the world.

Chimoz 가족은 오랫동안 땅 밑에서 사는 총 7 명의 요정이다. 개구리처럼 보이고 모험을 좋아하는 Tokola. 머리에 사슴뿔이 돋고 큐피드의 화살을 들고 있는 Makapah.
다른 사람을 돕는 데 열정적이어서 6 개의 팔이 달려 있어도 항상 바쁜 Kamay. 태엽을 감긴 채 열심히 일하는 Payci.  매일 식물과 정원의 생각이 가득 차기 때문에 머리에 꽃이 자란 Olah.
매일 아침 이른 시간에 일어나 성격이 사자같은 Falo. 오리의 모습으로 나타나고 오염된 공기를 막으려고 꼭 마스크를 착용해야 하는 Fana.
Chimoz는 맨발로 땅에 걸어 다니는 것은 세상에 대한 사랑을 보여주는 상징이다. 그들의 몸에 털이 나는 것은 또한 본성에 따라 개성적으로 살고자 하는 주장이다.
이렇게 7명의 Chimoz는 여기저기 여행을 다니며 수많은 감동적인 이야기를 세상 사람들에게 전하고 있다.